Data dodania: 21 September 2017
The training seminar “Cooperation between the Police, insurance companies and other insurance market institutions to counteract, expose, and combat insurance crime” was held on 21 and 22 September 2017 at the Police Academy in Szczytno. The seminar was organised by the Polish Insurance Association in cooperation with the Department for Combating Economic Crime at the Criminal Affairs Bureau of the General Police Headquarters.
The consistent objective of the seminar is to exchange practical experiences on contemporary forms of insurance crime and to develop the forms and methods of joint activities to be undertaken by insurers and law enforcement authorities to counteract crime of this kind. Thanks to regular meetings it is possible to update observations and solutions.
This year’s seminar was attended by representatives of: the Department of Cyber Security at the Ministry of Digital Affairs, Bank Cyber Security Centre, Office of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, Insurance Guarantee Fund, Economic Crime Department of the General Public Prosecutor’s Office and the General Police Headquarters, local Police units, the Central Bureau of Investigation and the insurance sector.
The speakers gave presentations on issues associated with cyber security and the impact of innovativeness on the security of insurance companies and on the subject of profiling perpetrators of insurance crimes. A presentation was also given on the most important legislative changes, including those associated with the implementation of the Personal Data Protection Regulation (RODO), protection of whistle-blowers and changes in the Penal Code and Fiscal Code to extend the scope of confiscation of illegally gained assets. The Polish Insurance Association would like to sincerely thank all those involved – the guests, speakers, and participants for coming and taking part in the seminar, and the Police Academy in Szczytno for making it possible to organise the seminar.