Insurance News 1 / 2009

Feel free to read the first issue of the quarterly scientific “Insurance News”. This first edition of the periodical in the new formula.



1. The Financial Crisis – Preparing for the Aftermath – Patrick Liedtke
2. Business continuity risk management in insurance companies
– Paweł Gołąb

3. The impact of financial crisis on trade credit insurance market – Jacek Lisowski
4. The liability of the insurer’s trade credit insurance. Selected aspects – Robert Dankiewicz
5. Article 811 KC in terms of pre-contract referral of the dispute – Zbigniew Łabno
6. Fault as a principle of liability and the fact releasing the obligation to provide compensation – Małgorzata Serwach
7. Insurance. For reservations terminology – Tadeusz Szumlicz
8. The method of testing development of private health insurance – Magdalena Osak


1. Market mechanisms in the system of universal health insurance – the Dutch experience – Anna Leśniewska
2.  Public-private partnership in the insurance application in the system of health protection – such as the Netherlands – Barbara Więckowska
3. Insurance Disaster Risk in Polish agriculture on the background of EU legislation – Magdalena Józefecka, Urszula Tetwejer


1. Conference – Challenges to the Insurance XXI century. The 60th anniversary of the Department of Insurance Poznan University of Economics – Anna Kufel-Siemińska
2. The Insurer – an activist with calling. Memories about Eugeniusz Kreida
– Marian Szczesniak