Insurance News 3 / 2009

Feel free to read the third issue of the scientific quarterly “Insurance News”.



1. Types of reinsurance used by insurance companies in case of insurance against damage caused by natural forces – Andrzej Grzebieniak
2. Social responsibility of pension fund investment policy – Teresa Czerwińska
3. The concept of pension funds with profiled risk: in search of the optimum construction – Wojciech Nagel
4. Information systems that support modern insurance business. Types, the role and determinants – Teresa Sternik
5. The atmosphere at work as an important element of internal marketing of insurance companies – Beata Nowotarska-Romaniak
6. Impact of the global economic crisis on the performance of the technical Polish insurance sector – Joanna Wartini


1. Contemporary forms of conducting insurance business – Paweł Gołąb
2. Optimization of the system of communication damage compensation – Katarzyna Ludwichowska
3. Insurance legal title to real estate – Andrzej Saniewski, Michał Wydra
4. Comparative analysis of the functioning of an insurance agent in Poland and Germany after the implementation of the Insurance Mediation Directive in 2002 – Jarosław Przybytniowski


1. Tadeusz Szumlicz – “Subjectivity in the management of change in the health care system”
– Review of Irena Jędrzejczyk

2. Irena Jędrzejczak, Sylwia Bożek-Węglan – „The insurance of catastrophic risk in the European Union and the global change” – Review of Jan Monkiewicz