On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
The conference will present draft law of the general provisions in an insurance contracts in the Civil Code, which is currently being developed by the Civil Law Codification Commission. In addition, the current status of the European draft insurance contract agreement and legal aspects of consumer protection in relation to the proposed regulations will be presented.
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13 March 2013 The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code
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13 March 2013 Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
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13 March 2013 Summary of the seminar on cloud computing services in the insurance industry
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business.
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5 December 2012 Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw.
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5 November 2012 Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
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1 October 2012 The problem of abusiveness in life insurances
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall).
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31 July 2012 Gender Equality in Insurance Services
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
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31 July 2012 European Insurance Agreement
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
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28 March 2012 Conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?”
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
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15 March 2012 Academic conference on “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair”
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU).
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
The conference was opened by: Professor Eugeniusz Kowalewski, Ph.D., Head of the Insurance Law Department at WPiA, Andrzej Maciążek, Vice President of PIU and Zdzisław Śwircz, Director of the Department for Disaster Relief at the Ministry of Administration and Digitization, who read a letter from the Secretary of State Włodzimierz Karpinski, addressed to the participants of the conference.
In the first part of the conference Prof. Eugeniusz Kowalewski together with Dr. Władysław W. Mogilski from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń presented teleological and legal dilemmas associated with the choice of the model of general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks. Then Marcin Orlicki, Ph.D, from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań raised legal and technical and insurance issues related to developing insurances of residential buildings against the results of catastrophic risks.
Later, Prof. Tadeusz Szumlicz, Ph.D, representing the Warsaw School of Economics, discussed various aspects of the social security system solutions functioning of the buildings related to the effects of natural disasters, with particular emphasis on proposals for mechanisms aimed at popularisation of this type of insurance.
In the next part of the conference, Małgorzata Serwach, Ph.D. (in spe), from the Medical University in Łódź, discussed the constitutional aspects to be taken into consideration when creating any system of mandatory insurances. Subsequently, Prof. Ewa Bagińska, Ph.D., from the University of Gdańsk touched upon the issues of public accountability to disaster victims for failing to predict or for erroneous estimate of the catastrophic risk.
Part of the conference was also devoted to comparative issues. Dr. Monika Wałachowska and Michał P. Ziemniak, MA, from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, discussed the models of the effects of catastrophic risks insurance worldwide with particular emphasis on German laws. Dr. Dariusz Fuchs from the University of Kardynał Stefan Wyszyński in Warsaw, gave a presentation on the issue of European law in relation to public aid for the victims of natural disasters.
In the last part of the conference, Marek Sawicki, Director of the Department of Insurance and Pension Funds Licenses of the FSA, presented key issues from the perspective of surveillance authority. Presentation by Piotr Lewiński, Chairman of the PIU Working Group for the development of a system of general insurance against the effects of natural disasters, touched upon the concept of residential buildings insurance against the catastrophic risks from the point of view of an insurance company.
The conference ended with a discussion, led by Prof. Eugeniusz Kowalewski, attended by representatives of both the science and the insurance market. The participants of the discussion agreed that it is necessary to develop a system solution, based on general insurances against the effects of natural disasters. Current solutions which concentrate of granting ad hoc social assistance were rated as inefficient and socially unjust. However, it was also stated that development of security systems is a complex task, which is related to many aspects of the functioning of the state. Issues such as compliance of the legal solutions with the Constitution and European Union rules, the social effectiveness, the broadly understood catastrophic risk policy management and protecting existing insurance portfolios of insurance companies should be subject to further in-depth analysis.
The conference was attended by over 120 participants, including representatives of: the Ministries of Finance, Administration and Digitization, Agriculture and Rural Development, the Government Centre for Security, the FSA, universities as well as insurance and reinsurance companies.
Conference materials are available below:
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13 March 2013 The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code
On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
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13 March 2013 Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
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13 March 2013 Summary of the seminar on cloud computing services in the insurance industry
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business.
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5 December 2012 Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw.
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5 November 2012 Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
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1 October 2012 The problem of abusiveness in life insurances
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall).
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31 July 2012 Gender Equality in Insurance Services
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
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31 July 2012 European Insurance Agreement
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
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28 March 2012 Conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?”
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
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15 March 2012 Academic conference on “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair”
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU).
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business. All speakers were legal counsels and lawyers of the DZP law firm.
Their speeches focused on the regulations relevant from the point of view of insurance companies, to which special attention should be paid when signing contracts with CC service providers. In addition, they presented the benefits and risks of providing services in the cloud. The seminar participants talked about the categories of data processed in the cloud in terms of different legal bases, such as personal data as well as trade, banking, insurance secrets.
Basing on the Act on Personal Data Protection and opinion 5/2012 of the Working Group Art. 29
on data processing in the computing cloud, the speakers presented rules of
personal data processing — compliant with the applicable laws — which could provide significant knowledge and support for companies considering the purchase of CC services.
Another discussed topic was related to insurance secret in the context of insurance company’s liability for its breach, citing applicable provisions of the Polish law. Lawyers also drew attention to the European regulations on insurances related to
the outsourcing of IT services, which reflect the Ministry’s of Finance current work on the project objectives for the draft law on insurance and reinsurance business.
Discussing the subject of outsourcing further, the speakers presented new duties and liability scope of the insurance companies arising from the Directive 2009/138/EC on the undertaking and performing insurance and reinsurance activities (called Solvency II), and discussed the proposed supervisory authority for the FSA.
Raport o usługach cloud computing w działalności ubezpieczeniowej.pdf
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13 March 2013 The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code
On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
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13 March 2013 Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
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13 March 2013 Summary of the seminar on cloud computing services in the insurance industry
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business.
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5 December 2012 Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw.
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5 November 2012 Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
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1 October 2012 The problem of abusiveness in life insurances
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall).
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31 July 2012 Gender Equality in Insurance Services
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
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31 July 2012 European Insurance Agreement
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
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28 March 2012 Conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?”
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
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15 March 2012 Academic conference on “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair”
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU).
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw. The conference is organised under the patronage of the Polish Insurance Association.
The conference will be divided into two parts – day-long workshops with Professor Betty Simkins and discussions and interactive sessions related to the subject of alternative risk transfer through captive insurance companies. Moreover, on a parallel interactive session, we will present examples of IT support solutions for chosen risk management areas.
On the first day, 20 November, Professor Betty Simkins from Oklahoma State University will conduct a workshop on risk-included budgeting and strategic portfolio analysis in the form of a full case study presented together with examples in spread sheets.
More information available on the organiser’s website.
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13 March 2013 The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code
On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
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13 March 2013 Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
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13 March 2013 Summary of the seminar on cloud computing services in the insurance industry
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business.
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5 December 2012 Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw.
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5 November 2012 Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
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1 October 2012 The problem of abusiveness in life insurances
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall).
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31 July 2012 Gender Equality in Insurance Services
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
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31 July 2012 European Insurance Agreement
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
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28 March 2012 Conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?”
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
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15 March 2012 Academic conference on “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair”
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU).
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
During the Conference, six years of the operation of subsidised agricultural insurance in Poland will be summarised. Also, impact of the insurance on financial stability of agricultural producers and experience of insurance companies in that line of insurance will be discussed. Moreover, during the Conference, a concept of introducing indexed cultivation insurance against drought risk to the Polish market will be presented.
A particularly important thematic section of the Conference will be devoted to the EU agricultural policy post 2014. Domestic and European regulations from the point of view of funding further development of the subsidised cultivation and animal rearing insurance in Poland will be analysed.
Please, register for the Conference until 26 October 2012 at: http://rejestracja.piu.org.pl/?event=172
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13 March 2013 The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code
On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
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13 March 2013 Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
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13 March 2013 Summary of the seminar on cloud computing services in the insurance industry
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business.
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5 December 2012 Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw.
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5 November 2012 Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
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1 October 2012 The problem of abusiveness in life insurances
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall).
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31 July 2012 Gender Equality in Insurance Services
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
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31 July 2012 European Insurance Agreement
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
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28 March 2012 Conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?”
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
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15 March 2012 Academic conference on “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair”
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU).
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall). The conference is entitled “The problem of abusiveness in life insurances” and is organised by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Warsaw University departments: Institute of Insurance Law of Faculty of Law and Administration, Institute of Capital Markets, Institute of Civil Law and Students Association for Social and Economic Insurances.
The conference will focus on challenges arising before the insurance environment in the matter of ruling abusiveness of general provisions of insurance conditions. Outstanding representatives of the world of science will present various aspects of ruling abusiveness in the light of applicable regulations as well as of selected clauses entered into the register.
The conference is aimed at employees of insurance companies, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, Polish Financial Supervision Authority, Ministry of Finance, insurance ombudsman, judges, academics and journalists from trade press.
Conference agenda and registration form are available at PIU website.
Registration deadline is 12 October 2012. Please note the participation in the conference is free of charge.
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13 March 2013 The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code
On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
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13 March 2013 Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
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13 March 2013 Summary of the seminar on cloud computing services in the insurance industry
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business.
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5 December 2012 Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw.
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5 November 2012 Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
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1 October 2012 The problem of abusiveness in life insurances
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall).
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31 July 2012 Gender Equality in Insurance Services
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
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31 July 2012 European Insurance Agreement
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
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28 March 2012 Conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?”
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
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15 March 2012 Academic conference on “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair”
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU).
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
During the Conference, the impact of the judgement of the European Court of Justice of 1 March 2011 in the case C-236/09 (Test-Achats) and the European Commission guidelines published on 13 January 2012 on the activity of insurance companies were discussed. The participants of the Conference referred to practical legal and actuarial problems, as well as risk assessment and creation of products, which will appear as a result of application of tariffs equal with regard to gender.
The speakers proposed practical solutions to facilitate the adjustment of the current practice to the requirements of new regulations, with particular attention paid to the continuation of agreements entered into before 21 December 2012.
Media patrons of the Conference:
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13 March 2013 The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code
On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
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13 March 2013 Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
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13 March 2013 Summary of the seminar on cloud computing services in the insurance industry
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business.
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5 December 2012 Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw.
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5 November 2012 Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
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1 October 2012 The problem of abusiveness in life insurances
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall).
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31 July 2012 Gender Equality in Insurance Services
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
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31 July 2012 European Insurance Agreement
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
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28 March 2012 Conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?”
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
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15 March 2012 Academic conference on “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair”
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU).
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
In the conference the origins and the basic provisions of the planned regulations regarding insurance agreement, as prepared within the works on the Common Frame of Reference headed by the European Union, were discussed, as well as the resulting possibilities for inspiring solutions that may be adopted in that scope in the Polish law.
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13 March 2013 The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code
On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
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13 March 2013 Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
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13 March 2013 Summary of the seminar on cloud computing services in the insurance industry
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business.
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5 December 2012 Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw.
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5 November 2012 Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
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1 October 2012 The problem of abusiveness in life insurances
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall).
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31 July 2012 Gender Equality in Insurance Services
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
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31 July 2012 European Insurance Agreement
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
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28 March 2012 Conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?”
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
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15 March 2012 Academic conference on “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair”
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU).
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
The conference is an attempt to confront theoretical models of various forms of additional savings for retirement with the Polish reality. Speakers and participants will try to explain why, despite the variety of the third pillar offers by insurance companies, Poles so rarely choose to take advantage of this solution.
The conference will be organized in cooperation with the Polish Insurance Association. The participation in the conference is free of charge. Full information about the conference is available at:
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13 March 2013 The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code
On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
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13 March 2013 Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
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13 March 2013 Summary of the seminar on cloud computing services in the insurance industry
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business.
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5 December 2012 Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw.
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5 November 2012 Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
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1 October 2012 The problem of abusiveness in life insurances
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall).
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31 July 2012 Gender Equality in Insurance Services
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
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31 July 2012 European Insurance Agreement
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
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28 March 2012 Conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?”
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
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15 March 2012 Academic conference on “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair”
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU).
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU). The conference will be organised by NCU’s Department of Civil Law and International Economic Turnover, NCU’s Department of Insurance Law, and Scientific Society for Organization and Management “Dom Organizatora” (TNOiK). Polish Insurance Association, PZU SA, University of Nicolaus Copernicus, and Scientific Society for Organization and Management will be partners of the conference.
The aim of the event is to discuss cases in which diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair lies within the scope of compensation payable by the civilly responsible perpetrator (and thus also by the perpetrator’s insurer). Shouldn’t this diminution become subject to compensation? Should claims for the reimbursement of post-repair diminution in the vehicle’s value be considered only on a case-by-case basis?
The meeting will be attended by representatives of economics, insurance market institutions (insurance companies, brokerage companies), and experts in the automotive industry, experienced in estimating the value (including the diminution in value) of post-accident vehicles.
More information and the registration form are available on the organiser’s website.
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13 March 2013 The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code
On March 11, 2013, in the Column Hall of the Sejm at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw a conference will be held on “The proposed rules of the insurance contract in the Civil Code” organized by the Extraordinary Commission for the changes in the Codification, Civil Law Codification Commission and the Polish Insurance Association.
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13 March 2013 Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks
On 12 February this year a conference was held in Warsaw, organized by the Department of Insurance Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Insurance Association, on “Legal and economic aspects of the draft for general insurance of buildings against catastrophic risks”.
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13 March 2013 Summary of the seminar on cloud computing services in the insurance industry
On 12 February this year a seminar was organized by the Polish Insurance Association in co-operation with Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, which focused on the possibility of using cloud computing services in the insurance business.
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5 December 2012 Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets
On 20-21 November, the 6th edition of the international conference organised by Risk Management Association POLRISK entitled “Risk and insurance management in Poland and on mature markets” will take place in Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw.
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5 November 2012 Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe
The Polish Insurance Association and the Poznań University of Economics have the honour to invite you to the International Conference entitled ‘Trends in Agricultural Insurance in Europe — Drought Risk Insurance in Poland’. The Conference is organised under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be held on 5 November 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, ul. Grzybowska 24, Warsaw.
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1 October 2012 The problem of abusiveness in life insurances
We would like to invite you to a conference which will take place on 19 October in Pałac Kazimierzowski of the University of Warsaw (Brudziński Hall).
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31 July 2012 Gender Equality in Insurance Services
30 May 2012 in Warsaw at Hilton Hotel at ul. Grzybowska 63 a Conference entitled ‘Gender Equality in Insurance Services’ was held. The Conference was organised by PIU and the leading re-insurers: GenRe, SCOR, SwissRe and RGA.
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31 July 2012 European Insurance Agreement
On 29 May 2012 in Warsaw at the Colonnade Hall of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland at ul. Wiejska 4/6/8 a Conference entitled ‘The European Insurance Agreement’ was organised by the Extraordinary Commission for Codification Changes of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Insurance Association.
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28 March 2012 Conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?”
The Polish Insurance Association announces that on 29 March 2012, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, a nationwide scientific conference “Third pillar — a chance for a better tomorrow?” will be organized.
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15 March 2012 Academic conference on “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair”
Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU).