Konferencje i seminaria

Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to the description of harm on the basis of current judicial decisions’, organised by the PIU on 16 December 2019. The conference was intended for lawyers of insurance companies. The aim of the conference was to acquaint the participants with the assumptions of the ICF, to present the possibility of its application by insurance companies and courts for the purposes of damage liquidation and payment of compensation for personal injury, as well as to develop arguments for courts to apply this classification.

The conference was opened by Andrzej Maciążek, Vice-President of the Management Board of the PIU. He stressed that the growing unpredictability of judgements on non-property personal damage had already been noticed in 2013. This was the reason why the Chamber began work on examining the grounds for the implementation of the ICF, developed by WHO, to assess the injured person in personal damage.

The conference was divided into two sections: medical and legal. The speakers during the first section were:

  • Professor Anna Wilmowska-Pietruszyńska, President of the ICF Council at the Ministry of Health and President of the Polish Association of Medical Certification,
  • Karol Pawlak – Member of the ICF Council at the Ministry of Health,
  • Maciej Idzior, MD – specialist in orthopaedics and locomotor system traumatology at Rehasport Clinic, ICR Sp. z o.o., Wiktor Dega Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital in Poznań.

The speakers presented the application of the ICF, its practical aspects and the possibility of its implementation in medical certification. They indicated how important it is to assess the injured person using a uniform standard, which is provided by the ICF. The speakers during the second section of the meeting were:

  • Jakub Pokrzywniak, PhD – legal adviser, partner at Kancelaria WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr Sp. k.,
  • Piotr Jakubiec – judge of the District Court in Lublin.

Jakub Pokrzywniak, PhD raised the issue of the possibility of using the ICF for the purpose of personal damage liquidation in light of current judicial decisions. In his opinion, one of the most problematic issues is the lack of uniform rulings. He expressed the belief that the use of the ICF could tackle this phenomenon. According to the speaker, it is reasonable for the ICF to be used to describe the injured person’s harm in determining the amount of compensation both by insurance companies at the stage of liquidation proceedings and by courts at the stage of hearing of evidence. To this end, educational measures and popularisation of the ICF aimed at the community of court experts and judges are necessary. The above solution should then be presented as transparent, simple to apply and helpful in describing the injury.

The position of Mr Pokrzywniak was supported by the next speaker, Judge Piotr Jakubiec. He pointed out the importance of the problem of the shortage of judgements and academic studies that would provide the basis for a unified position of courts in similar factual situations. He also raised the issue of simplified proceedings, during which judges can make their own assessment without the help of an expert opinion. According to Judge Jakubiec, the ICF should be commonly applied, hence the need to provide the court with evidence whose conclusion, concerning the description of the injured person, will be developed using ICF assumptions. This will allow for gradual standardisation of judgements. It was explicitly recognised that the use of the ICF would contribute to increased predictability of judgements. It was also stated that there is a need for solutions to provide rapid assistance to injured persons and to facilitate the work of courts, insurers, certifying physicians and court experts. The solution would be to implement the ICF in damage liquidation.

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Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training…

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More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised…

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More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by…

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More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and…

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In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of…

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More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23…

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A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops…

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More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies…

About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the PIU. The training was conducted by legal advisers and lawyers from the law firm DLA Piper Giziński Kycia sp.k. During the training, the discussion covered the principles of liability of members of the authorities of entities operating in various legal forms and the basis for liability of public officers. In addition, the insurability of administrative and quasi-criminal liability was addressed.

The results of the review of admissibility of insuring fines arising from the GDPR were presented. These results were published in the report entitled ‘Insurability of GDPR fines across Europe’, available on the DLA Piper website.

Presentations from the training

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Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training…

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More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised…

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More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by…

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More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and…

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In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of…

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More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23…

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A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops…

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More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies…

About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training was conducted by Dominik Wałkowski, PhD, lawyer and partner at the law firm Wardyński i Wspólnicy sp.k. During the training, the basic concepts related
to liability for environmental damage were discussed, including the relationship between ecological damage and environmental damage, as well as civil and administrative liability.

The presentation took into account the prerequisites for liability resulting from the Act of 13 April 2007 on the prevention and repair of environmental damage and the Act of 27 April 2001 – Environmental Protection Law. Finally, the issue of securing claims under the Waste Act of 14 December 2012 was raised.

Presentation from the training

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Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training…

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More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised…

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More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by…

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More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and…

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In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of…

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More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23…

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A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops…

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More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies…

More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance in collaboration with KPMG. The participants were representatives of insurance companies, the Ministry of Finance, the Office of the Polish Financial Supervision authority and academic centres.

The first presentation, concerning the planned changes in the Solvency II regime and their planned schedule, was presented by Iwona Szczęsna from the PIU. Other topics were strictly related to accounting, financial and actuarial issues, e.g. draft amendments to IFRS 17, the concept of Risk Adjustment, IFRS 16 in relation to IAS 17, the Look-through method and LAC DT as part of a review of the standard formula.

The discussions also covered issues concerning impairment tests, IFRS 9, standardisation of compensation payments, the impact of changes in regulations concerning the exhaustion of guarantee sums on the valuation of technical provisions, proposed changes within the scope of review of the standard formula and automation of processes in terms of increasingly shorter reporting deadlines.

Accounting seminar presentations

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Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training…

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More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised…

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More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by…

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More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and…

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In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of…

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More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23…

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A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops…

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More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies…

More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance in collaboration with Deloitte. The participants were representatives of insurance companies, the Ministry of Finance and academic centres. The seminar was evaluated as exemplary in terms of substance and organisation.
The seminar addressed changes in tax regulations from the perspective of the insurance sector (including the white list of taxpayers, mandatory split payment mechanism, VAT taxation, new SAF-T reporting, withholding tax, taxation of ECP intermediation and acquisition costs in terms of taxes).
An important part of the seminar was dedicated to changes in transfer pricing regulations and regulations concerning the reporting of tax schemes (MDR). Discussions were also held on current tax case law and tax practice in the insurance sector, changes in regulations aimed at reducing payment bottlenecks, credit for research and development and changes in PIT and social security contributions.
Seminar presentations

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Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training…

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More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised…

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More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by…

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More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and…

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In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of…

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More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23…

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A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops…

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More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies…

More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and invited guests presented the issues surrounding strategies for internal audit, agile project audit and robotics audit.

A lecture on organisational culture audit was held. During the second part of the seminar, a workshop was held on the practical use of the skills of writing control reports correctly. At the end of the seminar, experts from the consulting company Deloitte presented a panel related to post-implementation audit of GDPR-related issues.

Seminar presentations

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Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training…

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More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised…

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More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by…

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More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and…

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In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of…

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More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23…

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A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops…

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More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies…

In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of the event was to promote and disseminate information about this type of insurance. The workshop was conducted by members of the Legal Expenses Insurance Team, who explained the principles of this insurance and discussed the needs of the customer and intermediary it addresses. During the workshop, the role of a professional lawyer in providing legal services was also explained. The workshop was organized on 19 November 2019 at the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Management of the University of Szczecin.

Workshop presentations

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Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training…

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More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised…

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More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by…

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More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and…

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In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of…

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More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23…

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A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops…

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More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies…

More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23 October. The meeting was opened by Andrzej Maciążek, Vice-President of the Management Board of the PIU and Ambroży Wójcik, Chairman of the Information Management Committee and the Group of Experts for GDPR Implementation at the PIU. Presentations were delivered by:

• Justyna Pancerow, Director of the Department for Implementation of the e-Health System, presented the projects run by the Centre for Healthcare Information Systems (Centrum Systemów Informacyjnych Ochrony Zdrowia; CSIOZ): e-prescription, e-referral and demonstrated the functionalities of the Patient’s Online Account. From the point of view of insurers, medical e-documentation will be important in providing establishments with information on the health condition of the insured or persons on whose account an insurance agreement is to be concluded. Insurers have also expressed their readiness for the integration of POA functionalities with insurance processes.
• Ambroży Wójcik, Data Protection Officer at AVIVIA Group and Chairman of the Group of Experts for GDPR Implementation at the PIU presented the results of a survey conducted by Insurance Europe on the legal basis for the processing of health-related data
in EU Member States. Consent applies in 11 countries, while 10 countries (including Poland) have introduced a legal solution based on public interest.
• Joanna Twardowska, Insurance and Contracts Director at PZU Group and a member of the Group of Experts for GDPR implementation at the PIU focused mainly on presenting the industry’s conjectures. She emphasised that the key objective of the basis for processing health-related data had been achieved.
• Xawery Konarski from the law firm Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy discussed the impact of the draft e-privacy regulation on the insurance sector. He stressed that the project will have an impact on damage elimination, anti-fraud measures, underwriting or marketing activities.
• Piotr Kułagowski, Director of the Operations Department at Warta Group and Chairman of the PIU’s Team for Digitisation of Processes in the Insurance Sector, presented the team’s work on electronic identification for insurers.
• Aleksander Urban, Deputy Director of the UFG Office for Development and Project Management, presented a user authentication project using the UFG token as a model designed for use in user authentication processes and the conclusion of insurance agreements.
• Marcin Piwko, Director of the IT Architecture and Infrastructure Department at Generali Group and Chairman of the Working Group for EIOPA Guidelines for Cloud Services at the PIU, discussed the scope and purpose of the group’s work and presented the position on the guidelines developed as part of the team’s work and within the insurance market.

Presentations from the meeting

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Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training…

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More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised…

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More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by…

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More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and…

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In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of…

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More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23…

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A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops…

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More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies…

A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops took place on 23 October at Klub Adwokatów in Krakow. The workshops were run by members of the PIU’s Legal Expenses Insurance Team – Robert Szywalski, the team leader, and Małgorzata Trybuchowicz.

The speakers discussed the principles of legal expenses insurance, taking into account the issues which raise the most doubts among customers. It was explained what legal needs Poles have, what problems they report and what the doubts of the insured persons are regarding the performance of insurance contracts. It was emphasised what components make up the insurer’s liability, in particular elements such as the grace period and the exclusion of acts committed through wilful misconduct. The relationship between legal assistance provided under TPO, D&O and assistance on the one hand, and legal expenses insurance on the other was also discussed.

One of the event’s special guests and member of the Krakow Bar Association, Filip Fedorowicz, listed the advantages of using the services of a professional lawyer, such as the indefinite obligation of professional secrecy or the obligation to have TPO insurance.

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Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training…

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More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised…

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More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by…

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More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and…

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In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of…

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More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23…

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A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops…

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More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies…

More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies and other insurance market institutions to counteract, expose, and combat insurance crime’. The seminar was organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance in cooperation with the Department for Combating Economic Crime at the Criminal Affairs Bureau of the General Police Headquarters. The seminar took place on 19-20 September 2019 at the Police Academy in Szczytno.

For the first time in eleven years, four thematic workshops were held, with more than 150 participants – police and insurance company representatives. These included:

  • forensic examination of documents – conducted by a forensic expert and specialist from the Polish Forensic Association at the Police Academy in Piła
  • preliminary check of the legality of vehicle origin – workshops conducted by a forensic expert on mechanoscopic examination of identification markings from the Polish Border Guard
  • athletes’ claims and workshops in the verification of the quality of repairs, conducted by experts from insurance companies

The new formula was received enthusiastically and will be continued in the following editions of the seminar. The seminar participants focused on vehicle crime, property crime and organised crime. Speakers presented some examples of perfect cooperation between the police and insurance companies in Poland and abroad and the possibility of using UFG data. Police officers who showed a particular commitment to combat insurance fraud were awarded statuettes.

The seminar was attended by representatives of the Insurance Guarantee Fund, the General Police Headquarters, the Warsaw Police Headquarters, Regional Police Headquarters, the Police Academy in Szczytno, the Police Academy in Piła, field units of the police, the Polish Border Guard, the Central Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Affairs Bureau of the Police, the General Public Prosecutor’s Office, the insurance sector, as well as experts on insurance fraud. The Polish Chamber of Insurance would like to sincerely thank all those involved – the guests, lecturers, participants for coming and participating in the seminar, and the Police Academy in Szczytno for making it possible to organise the seminar on academy’s premises.

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Almost 100 people took part in the conference entitled ‘Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on the liability of members of company authorities, organised by the…

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About 50 people took part in a training course on liability for environmental damage, organised by the PIU. The training…

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More than 220 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Accounting and reporting by insurance companies’. The event was organised…

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More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by…

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More than 80 people participated in a seminar organised by the PIU, entitled ‘#auditchallenge, #wyzwanieaudytu’. Practitioners from insurance companies and…

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In total, 40 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The purpose of…

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More than 40 people took part in the open meeting of the Information Management Committee, which took place on 23…

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A total of 35 people attended the legal expenses insurance workshops organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The workshops…

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More than 190 people participated in the eleventh edition of the training seminar entitled ‘Cooperation between the police, insurance companies…

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